Rather than using television then, to represent either what is, or what was, producers went another direction and proposed what they think ought to be without any moral compass, like Romeo and Juliette. But rather than what "ought to be" in a world where high ideals exist and the nobility of the human spirit reigns supreme, the media decided to represent "what's cool". What's cool, as William Faulkner explains is "not of the heart, but of the glands."
Others disagreed with this turn. Vice President Quayle chided Murphy Brown for glorifying single motherhood. People called him "behind the times" and others lauded Candace Bergman for representing what women "can attain" meaning a beautiful harmony involving a successful careers and joyful motherhood. While pundits plauded the show and the message it portrayed, the storyline itself is not sustainable. I cannot think of any popular sitcom at the moment that portrays a single working mom where there is no man in the picture. Not only does it not work in reality, it can't even work in the fictional world of television. Without realizing it, this experiment to show people what "ought to be" in this utopian world of high definition television is failing. It can't continue its own storyline.
However, that doesn't mean that the storyline is not being continued off the screen in the lives of hundreds of fans around the world. There is some collateral damage to this sort of experiment. A mother of an 8 year old girl told me that her daughter has started saying that she's "fat". The mother doesn't know where she gets it from because she watches very little television. The mother's instinct is key here - because this mom knows what messages her daughter will get if she does watch television. What the mom doesn't realize, is that she gets it from her friends at school who do watch television. She also gets it from the clothes stores that make clothes smaller and smaller for growing girls.

There are a large number of writers in recent years who have emerged from the violence of their own childhoods. Toni Morrison writes about slavery. Czeslaw Milosz survived in Warsaw during World War II and defected from the Soviet Union years later. These writers, if true to their craft, will use their writing to point to a world that ought to be. This world will include virtues such as perseverence, modesty, fortitude, bravery, kychekw`love, sacrifice and honor among others. For the poet to write about these "old verities" as William Faulkner explains in should be one of the "props, pillars to help [man] endure and prevail."
Television and other forms of media, like poetry, needs to come to terms with its responsibility in the world and its effects on those who view it. The Holy Father recently enjoined the media to consider developing a kind of info-ethics, akin to bio-ethics for the scientific community. Until all forms of media are willing to accept that words, images, pictures, and music actually mean something, third grade teacher ought to start packing heat.
This was way to long. I coldn;t even read the whole thing. Plus poetry is completely over rated. And it doesn't even rhyme most of the time!.
Plus, we teachers already knew how dangerous teaching was (especially third grade)!
(This isn't to say that I am the anon of above, so much as to say, of course Kath is right--she always is.)
Xavier wants me to add a Star Wars Mace Windu joke for you;
Knock knock, Mace windu come over tomorrow Aunt Jess, love Xavier
(The joke needs a little works still, but the sentiment is good.)
Sure, its long, but aren't the pictures pretty???
I love Xavier's joke :) Mace windu always make me laugh!!
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