To find the chapel is usually a hassle. You have to find a comprehensive map of the entire airport. Its usually in a Mezzanine somewhere that is impossible to drag your thousand pounds of luggage to. Sometimes - notably in Dallas - it's outside security. So, if you have a layover, you might exit to use the chapel, and then wait in the security line for an hour, possibly missing your flight.
I once had to go to Mass in an airport to fulfill my Sunday obligation just before jumping on a plane to go to Ireland. Afterwards, the priest had snacks and drinks laid out for the travellers while he chatted with us. It was very nice, and I got the impression that not too many people attend Mass here.
Oftentimes, the Blessed Sacrament is reserved in these airports as well, so its always a good idea to go pay a visit to a tabernacle that is little-visited.
Back to the Muslims - this story is just another example of a marketing campaign to draw the Muslims in a sympathetic light and painting them as victims.
Dallas is big enough that I am sure there are multiple chapels, but the one that I have been to was inside security. I believe it was in the Northwest and possibly Frontier terminal. It did not have a tabernacle.
I don't know how many there are, but I distinctly remember having to go to a separate terminal in Dallas than the airline I was flying... because I had a first class ticket (only time in my life!) and was able to get back to my gate with relatively little time delay. They have a security gate JUST FOR FIRST CLASS!!!
You have to read Ann Coulter's essay on flying muslims!
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