Gaudeamus igitur Let us rejoice therefore
Juvenes dum sumus While we are young.
Post jucundum juventutem After a pleasant youth
Post molestam senectutem After a troublesome old age
Nos habebit humus. The earth will have us.
Ubi sunt qui ante nos Where are they
In mundo fuere? Who were in the world before us?
Vadite ad superos You may cross over to heaven
Transite in inferos You may go to hell
Hos si vis videre. If you wish to see them.
Vita nostra brevis est Our life is brief
Brevi finietur. It will be finished shortly.
Venit mors velociter Death comes quickly
Rapit nos atrociter Atrociously, it snatches us away.
Nemini parcetur. No one is spared.
Vivat academia Long live the academy!
Vivant professores Long live the teachers!
Vivat membrum quodlibet Long live each male student!
Vivat membra quaelibet Long live each female student!
Semper sint in flore. May they always flourish!
Vivant et republica Long live the State
et qui illam regit. And the One who rules it!
Vivat nostra civitas, Long live our City
Maecenatum caritas And the charity of benefactors
Quae nos hic protegit. Which protects us here!
Pereat tristitia, Let sadness perish!
Pereant osores. Let haters perish!
Pereat diabolus, Let the devil perish!
Quivis antiburschius Let whoever is against our school
Atque irrisores. Who laughs at it, perish!
(vers. C. W. Kindeleben 1781)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Custer Battlefield Museum
We visited this place in Montana before meeting up with Kathy.
The staff are very personable and are willing to go to great lengths to secure your goodwill.
The staff are very personable and are willing to go to great lengths to secure your goodwill.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
You know there are two giant newfoundlands living in your house when...

10. You check your clothes for slobber marks before leaving the house
9. You have to keep your shoes on very high shelves so they don't get chewed
8. You are accustomed to rolling up into a very tiny ball under your covers so they don't lick your face in the morning
7. You think extra black hair on a sweater looks nice
6. You stop wearing socks in the house because every time you sit down, the dogs sit on your feet to warm them
5. You start wearing shoes in the house so that you don't accidentally step in their giant water bowl
4. You start to think your dog might be onto something and that Chihuhuas might actually be a tasty treat
3. You live in constant fear that someone might want to ride in your car before you've had a free hour to de-hair it
2. You look at a grizzly bear and are completely unimpressed by the size
And the BEST reason to keep these giant creatures around:
1. You always feel skinny next to your 180 lb. dog
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